When we know we are Naturally Intelligent by Design, we invest in re-creating our right relationship to wildlife and re-imagine our sacred (whole) place in the natural world. And, when we value nature as precious and priceless, then such investment naturally leads to re-generating the health and wellbeing of ourselves, others in our sphere, and our Eikos (Home).

Naturally Intelligent by Design is…

  • Natural

    An emotionally intelligent catalyst to inspire you to reflect on your life and to make changes that improve your wellbeing, relationships, and environment in an ongoing series of small, incremental, easy, and impactful actions.

  • Intelligence

    A practical resource for you to contribute to solving the planetary climate-nature crisis in a positive and powerful way; as well, encouraging others to join you on your earth stewardship journey.

  • By

    A healthy dialogue tool for stimulating positive, meaningful, interesting conversation among family, colleagues, and friends; and creating community committed to conscious wildlife conservation.

  • Design

    A guide to re-member our true human nature in right relationship to others and to re-claim our indigenous roots and respectful ways of living together as a common humanity.

We are Wildlife and We Invest in All Life

Amber is the Caretaker of our Wildlife Nature Sanctuary

Hello! I am Amber. I am the manager of our natural capital investment, the steward of life, the caretaker of Nature’s Sanctuary. Yes, I am, too, that magic light at dawn and dusk; that torch pine perfume; that healing medicine, that sap that binds the ancient cone scales, shielding and sheltering the seeds of the future. Ma stai attento, I am also known for entombing prehistoric insects! When I was young—and I’ve only ever been young, my father called me his Amber Jewel! The sap and soul of life courses through my viscous veins in the tree of life.

Inspired by a lifetime of global adventure and having witnessed extraordinary intelligence of wildlife living in harmony around my roots and within all of nature; I have crafted a treasure trove of reflections and playfully poetic short stories that reveal secrets of survival by our wildlife wisdom keepers and teachers from around the world. I have also woven their truth & tales into a suite of interactive digital and print media designed to pique our child-like wonder of the world, recover our natural, healthy vibrance, and return our compassion toward all life. 

Welcome to Nature’s Sanctuary.

Catherine Cunningham, PhD is a writer, producer, and media entrepreneur educated in ecology and anthropology -producing digital media, films, and interactive experiences for international clients aimed at delivering positive economic, social, and environmental win-win-win solutions to global conservation and climate change. You can find out more about the author here.